
Hyper-intelligent document processing solutions to enable digital transformation of data-intensive enterprises.

Unlock the power of digital transformation with cutting-edge intelligent document processing (IDP) platform, InfoRefinery. Our solutions leverage the most advanced AI and ML technologies to drive the seamless conversion of data-intensive documents into actionable insights, enabling enterprises to thrive in the digital age.

Key features

Multi-channel document acquisition

Seamlessly acquire documents from various sources, including existing systems, databases, or specified hot folders, simplifying the document ingestion process.

Documents in various formats

Say goodbye to manual data entry. InfoRefinery effortlessly reads and ingests data from various documents formats, including scanned documents, transforming them into machine-readable formats, saving time and resources.

Automatic document classification

Our solutions process all types of documents, comprehending their structure and content to classify them into relevant categories automatically, streamlining document management processes.

Topic-based data classification

With AI-driven cognitive technology, InfoRefinery automatically extracts critical data points from documents and maps them against pre-defined topics, facilitating easy access to pertinent information.

Advanced UI with search & navigation

Navigate through your documents effortlessly with our intuitive user interface, featuring advanced search filters and topic-based guided navigation, ensuring quick access to the information you need.

Integration with existing systems

InfoRefinery seamlessly integrates with your existing systems through APIs, whether it's enterprise applications or databases, ensuring a smooth transition and minimal disruption to your workflow.

Transform your enterprise today!

Experience the power of digital transformation with InfoRefinery. Revolutionize the way you manage and extract insights from your data-intensive documents, and propel your enterprise into the future.
Contact us today to learn more about how our hyper-intelligent document processing solutions can drive your digital transformation journey.

Contact Us

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